18 weeks pregnant

Today we have made it to the 18 week mark.

Went for an appointment at the hospital today and all went well. The midwife used the doppler to listen to the heartbeat which sounded strong and clear. Also a bit of sound with the baby moving about. (I haven’t told her we have a doppler at home that we are using too, as some health professionals aren’t very supportive of patients who have dopplers and discourage it).

I am starting to feel a few movements now which is good. Mainly when baby changes positions I think, I will all of a sudden feel a hard bit on the outside of my tummy. And over the last couple of days I am starting to feel a few minor little movements deep inside too which is perhaps bub’s wee kicks and stretches. Sometimes it’s almost constant. I’m looking forward to the time when Roger (his made up name for this blog) can start to feel the movements too from the outside of my tummy.

I also saw the physio too today who is pleased with the improvements in my lower back. Although, I have had Mum staying here for a while, so haven’t been into work for ages, so not sitting at my desk must have something to do with the improvement I think.

I had a really nice relaxing massage last week and got them to focus on my back and feet which was lovely. They specialise in pregnancy massage only, so I trusted they knew what they were doing and it was great to just have a really nice relaxing hour or so. Oh.. bliss!! I’ve booked another couple of sessions in over the next week or two and the physio said I should keep it up if it is helping… yah for that! I guess it’s not cheap but I am justifying it in my own mind by reminding myself we don’t have to pay for a private obstetrician and our IVF round to get pregnant this time was publicly funded (so that’s about a $15,000 savings anyway).

I am struggling big time taking the supplements I’m meant to be taking each day. A multi-vitamin, ferritin and most importantly, Calcium. I have been a bit naughty by just avoiding taking them at all. Very bad I know, but they make me throw up. I finally got some chewable / dissolve in your mouth type multi-vitamin and got a prescription for some water soluble calcium rather than the big pills I’d been meant to be taking. So with a bit of hope I finally tried the chewable multi-vitamin last night an hour or two before dinner, and then I dissolved the water soluble calcium in a glass of water during dinner, drank it and was hopeful things would stay down for a change. But about an hour later, up it all came… talk about annoying!! Just when I was thinking no more throwing up for me.

I can’t say I enjoy being sick!! Someone said to me the other day ‘but don’t you feel just so good after a spew’ but noooo, not for me!!

After having a chat with the midwife she has explained it’s really important I don’t skip taking the calcium (which is what I’ve been doing for the past month at least). Naughty me!! So I am going to have to just try to drink it slowly and even perhaps break the calcium tablet in half or quarters and take a little bit throughout the day. (I’ve just realised it’s almost dinner time now and I haven’t taken any throughout the day). Fingers crossed I won’t throw up dinner tonight!

I am feeling a bit more exhausted and have been a little more stressed than normal in the last few days. Been helping Mum buy a new car which has involved going out looking at car yards, going for test drives and finally negotiations and organising checks on the car etc. What a mission! All I can say is we pick the new car up tomorrow and I will be happy to see the tail end of car yards for a while.  I must say Roger has been keeping a close check on me and refused to let me out two days in a row, so although I’m tired I haven’t been going at it non stop.

My tummy is big and fat like a buddha. I can’t believe I don’t weigh more than I do. I look (and feel) like I’ve put on about 10kg but in fact I’m not even back to my IVF weight. When I went through IVF this round I put on at least a couple of kg’s, so am just a bit shocked I don’t weigh more now because I look so pregnant. Perhaps the whole ‘muscle is heavier than fat’ theory is playing it’s part. I haven’t done any real exercise for so long, so not surprising I am turning into Mrs Blobby.

Anyway, good to know I have made it this far – 18 weeks, but still it is just one step at a time for us. Next week we have our 19 week anatomy scan but until then we are just planning to take it easy. Roll on the next milestone!!

16 weeks pregnant

Today I am 16 weeks pregnant. I went to the high risk clinic today just for a check up to make sure all is OK. I must say I am once again so impressed with the treatment and consultation. Apart from the long waiting times I really can’t fault the system.

The normal routine is to check in at reception, grab my notes and take it to the nurse who immediately records my weight, then hands me a label which I take to the loo to put on the container for the urine sample I must do each time. There is a little door that opens from the bathroom into the clinic so I just open the wee door (or should I say little door to save from confusion… but actually ‘wee’ door is rather appropriate) and place the sample on the shelf that opens into the lab on the other side of the toilets.

Then it is off to the waiting area where I make the most of reading my book. Because of the swine flu the waiting area is rather spread out in an area with lots of couches. Apparently they need people to be at least 1 metre apart to prevent it from spreading.

I got to see the same Dr who did my suture operation, and I must say I was very impressed with him this time. He was very thorough, answered all my questions, and went over everything in detail. He mentioned he wasn’t that happy after the surgery as he didn’t expect to face the issues he had to with my cervix. Apparently the posterior part of the cervix was almost non existent so was very difficult to put the suture into. He was quite happy though with where the stitch is now though so that’s good. We also listened to bubs heart racing along, but it did take a while to find. I mentioned that I was starting to have some problems with my back and next thing you know he’s organised an appointment with the physio for me, straight after my appointment with him. That’s service.

So I finish with the Dr and get a chance to catch up on my reading again while I wait for the physio. When I do see her I am impressed with all the tips and techniques she has for me about everything… how to sit in a chair, sitting down, getting up, getting in and out of bed, in and out of the car and can you believe how to best do a poo. ha! I’m to lean forward like I am reading and hiss and I ‘go’. Bizarre as it sounds it is meant to help relax the right section of muscles and tighten and support another section. Apparently my L4 or L5 section of my back that seems to be slightly out and the right part of my sacrum which in turn means it affects my piriformis muscles is effected. So she massages me and does some pressure points which hurt, but it’s good. She ends by taping me across the lower right area of my back, and sends me on my way.

So I am most impressed with how ‘looked after’ I feel at the high risk clinic. Next appointment is in 2 weeks with the midwife and physio, then 3 weeks will be our 19 week anatomy scan. Things going OK so far, but still just resting and relaxing and trying minimise stress so will hope that helps to get us where we want to go. 🙂