I told my Mum I’m pregnant

Finally, I told someone I was pregnant – my Mum. It was so nice to be able to tell her. I really struggled the other day lying on the couch feeling sorry for myself, feeling sick and I just thought I need to tell someone so I don’t feel like I am so alone. Roger is great, but he can’t be around every second of the day.

My Mum sounded a bit down on the phone when I spoke to her, so it was nice to drop it into the conversation that I was pregnant and surprise her. I could hear the excitment and smile in her voice once I’d told her. She was really happy and almost in disbelief to hear the news. Her first question was ‘was it natural?’. I guess she would have felt even more comforted if it was natural, but also perhaps because she had absolutely no idea we’d been through IVF.

It was nice to share the news with her, to make her happy, and be able to explain why I been acting strange lately. So it was kind of like ‘the reveal’.

She was really shocked to hear that we had gone through a full IVF round… she had no idea. All that sneaking the drugs out of the fridge when I was staying at their house and tiptoeing into the bathroom and locking the door so I could inject myself without anyone knowing. It worked – she didn’t suspect a thing!

I’m glad I told her! It’s such early days still so I really hope she doesn’t have to share in our disappointment if things don’t go so well. One day at a time…