Will I stay pregnant??

Will I say pregnant? It’s such a struggle just sitting here hoping things are going to be OK but essentially being able to do very little in the grand scheme of things to change if I will remain pregnant or not…

I SO want this pregnancy to work out…

I met with a really good friend for coffee today (not that I’m drinking it at the moment), who told me they are 5 weeks pregnant. I was really excited about hearing that, and it took me all my strength not to blabber out ‘so am I’.

It would be easy to think about how perfectly great it would be if we both had babies at the same time, but I am far too afraid to let myself think that far.

Last year I thought it would be perfect that me and my (sister-like) cousin were due 6 weeks apart, but of course things didn’t quite work out as we thought it would. We never dreamt we would lose our baby. A miscarriage might have been a different scenario as people almost expect it to happen in the first 3 months, but having a baby that did survive for 1 1/2 days… that could have been… It still tears me up.

I’d much prefer the injection part of IVF rather than this nervous (is this going to work) waiting all the time.

Oh well, patience I guess…

HCG Level risen to 852

Good news! Just had a call from the clinic to say my HCG levels have risen ‘beautifully’ and well above the average. This morning I had to get up early (despite being Saturday) and trot off to the lab to get my second blood test for the week… only 4 days since the last one.

Always a relief to get good news that things are where they should be, and it sounds promising. I haven’t been as worried waiting for this blood test as I was waiting for the first blood test though. I guess I have had all these pregnancy signs which have made me start to actually feel pregnant so that has offered me the reassurance I didn’t have before.

Anyway, my HCG levels have now risen from 161 on Tuesday to 852 today (Saturday). The nurse told me on the phone it is well above the average they compare it against on their charts. So very pleased about that. I read somewhere it is supposed to double every 2-3 days, but I guess mine has increased quicker than that.

The plan from here on is just to take it as easy as I can, and have another blood test on Friday. I get to wean myself off the progesterone pessaries (which I have been giving myself since I had the embryo transfer two and a half weeks ago). I’ll go from 6 a day down to 3 a day for the next 4-5 days and then stop altogether. So things are progressing… If all goes well I will be going for a scan at around 7 weeks to get a better picture of how things are going… but there are a few weeks to go before we are at that point.

I am most pleased with the fact that my bleeding has finally tapered off and now completely stopped. It does seem to relate to me not doing much – in fact I’ve made a conscious effort to do as little as possible. I plan to just continue to take it easy as it has certainly seemed to have made a difference. Roger has to take on quite a load because of it, but he can cope (I hope :-))

Anyway – about my early pregnancy symptoms I’ve been feeling…
1. Roger’s breath smells like dog (very sensitive sense of smell)
2. Very tired (nana naps during the day, and early nights)
3. Nauseous (mostly during the day, and especially if I am a little hungry)
4. Like I want to eat potatoes (carbs are my friend)
5. Emotional (tears come easily and at times short-tempered)

OMG – It’s positive

Just got off the phone… after a loooong wait the clinic finally called with the good news.

I am pregnant. I just can’t believe it!

I have had, and still have all this bleeding which is normally not a good sign and yet the blood test is positive and I am pregnant. Who would have thought? The HCG levels at 191, which is good too. They like it to be over 50 – so far, so good.

It is early days though and anything can happen. I am just in absolute shock that the pregnancy test came back as positive and I am pregnant – who would have thought??

So excited and happy and nervous right now.

I am going to totally take it easy and stay in one place as much as possible as the bleeding lessens if I do less. So that’s my mission – to do as little as possible.
