All looking good – 15 weeks pregnant

Went for a check to the hospital this week to make sure the suture is in place OK and all is looking good.

I was really thankful the sonographer who was to do the ultrasound suggested that even though we were just there to check the suture we might as well take a good look at the baby first and check things are OK there. I must say this was a really nice ultrasound experience as I didn’t have all the intense emotion and sadness over losing our daughter this time. I guess it all just re-surfaced with the first ultra-sound at the hospital clinic. So it was nice to have a happy and positive ultrasound this time. I was amazed at just how much bubs has grown since we had the ultrasound 10 days ago. At that scan bubs had plenty of space and fluid around, but it was apparent at this scan the baby was so much bigger and had definitely grown to fill a lot of the space. Bubs had his/her hands up around the face area lots. Roger and I had smiles on our faces watching. The head and tummy measurement showed 15 weeks 3 days, and we were 15 weeks exactly so the size is pretty much on track. Bubs was moving about quite a lot, but we got a good look at all the major features. Of course we will have the anatomy scan at 19 or 20 weeks where all the checks will take place, and it’s too early to really know for sure if everything is OK or not. They gave us a printout of what looked like the baby waving 🙂 Very cute and reassuring!

So after they’d checked the baby they went on to do the transvaginal ultrasound to check the suture looked as though it was in place OK. What they found was that my cervix is completely closed (a good thing) and the suture looks as thought it is totally effective and in place. What the sonographer did find odd was it look liked there was part of a second suture still in place.

We had a follow-up with the Dr afterwards who kind of discounted what the sonographer had seen… implying the sonographer probably didn’t know and was likely to have got it wrong, but the Dr who did the surgery had written in his notes he had removed the first unsuccessful suture completely. Anyway, I know I am not willing to just let it go… I know Dr’s can get it wrong, and just because he has written it in his notes doesn’t mean he hasn’t accidentally missed removing something.

The main thing at the moment it is in place, so that’s good. However, I am not just going to forget this possibility there may be part of a 2nd stitch still there – as long as it doesn’t cause a problem right now that’s fine. But when it comes time to get it removed I will be sure to bring up this possibility part of something is left there as I don’t want them to leave something in accidentally.

I guess I have been through so many surgeries in my life I don’t just ‘trust’ that Doctors always get it right. I think they do their best, but they are human, and anyone can get things wrong, even if unintentionally. No big deal though, will just remember to follow-up on it. 🙂

3 thoughts on “All looking good – 15 weeks pregnant

  1. I am glad that bubs is doing well and that the stich is holding effectively. Will you have an ultrasound each week to check or will the frequency drop a little?

    Skippy is well too (or at least as well as it should be at this point in time). Skippy was measured at 14+3 and was supposed to be 14+1 so bang on around where it is supposed to be. We even saw Skippy put one of its thumbs in the mouth which was very very cute. The NHS are training in the nuchal scan so they “practised” finding the zone on us so we had a longer than normal scan which was lovely. We also were waved at!

    Take care – off to Spain for a week for work so I am looking forward to some sun.

    • Hey! Thanks for you reply – yes a good result having the stitch still being in place. I won’t be having weekly scans, but have been going back to the clinic for weekly checks since I started, but we will be going to two weekly checks once we have our appointment tomorrow. Next scan will be 19 or 20 weeks so about another 3-4 weeks away, and that will be the anatomy scan.
      Such a cute name you have for your bubs… love it! Skippy! I must say coming from this side of the world I can’t help but think of a kangaroo… you might not be aware but when we were growing up there was a really old kids programme on TV made in Australia called ‘Skippy, the bush kangaroo’ and it has one of those catchy theme tunes which sticks in your brain forever 🙂 If you want a giggle click on this or

      Great to hear your scan went really well and the measurements are on track. Always a bit of a relief isn’t it! Amazing how so human like they are now isn’t it… thumb in mouth is exactly what you’d expect a baby to do… And you got a wave too! 🙂 Did you get a DVD to take away with you of the entire scan? (We didn’t as it is through the public system, but they do them if you go through the private system) Nice when they take their time isn’t it!
      Hope you are having fun in Spain!! We could do with some sun here so very jealous!

  2. A very clever kangaroo! No we didn’t get a DVD since it was on the NHS but that is OK as I have the images in my mind.

    I thought you would have sun but I guess you are only just coming into Spring now. Will it get warmer fairly soon?

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